Sometimes you meet someone that changes your life. They change you. They change who you are and how you know yourself. A Catalyst "Twin" is really a soulmate. On the Twin Flame journey we can sometimes meet a Catalyst Twin who prepares you for your true Twin or in my case my Divine Counterpart. It is hard to say how many twins have a catalyst twin. A catalyst twin will mirror back to you what you need to clear emotionally so you can move closer into union with Truth and your real twin. Your Catalyst Twin will trigger you. After all they are clearing a path for your true Twin/Divine Counterpart. If we are willing to look at what is causing us to be triggered, emotions will rise related to the trigger. When those emotions are allowed to surface fully and are not suppressed, they have a chance to help the blockages clear.. We also need to look at the stories behind the trigger. The Stories are not real and need to also be released. These emotions and stories are stuck energy. They need to be cleared for us to be able to move into union with the truth of who we are and then our Divine Counterpart. When I first saw my Catalyst Twin, I was in total Awe. I didn't see a human. Well I did but I could see more of his soul than his body. I could see aspects of his multidimensional self. It was beautiful. I watched as gold and white light danced around his Elemental and Graceful essence. I think I saw him this way because it kept me curios about who he was and why I was meeting him. I kept thinking about how strange it was that I saw him that way. I knew nothing about Twin Flames at the time but what would unfold in the next couple of years after our meeting would change what I knew was possible with Spiritual Connection. We could spend time together psychically and in the astral realms effortlessly. My Catalyst Twin challenged me in every way. It was difficult on all levels. Because just being around him triggered something in me. I wasnt sure what it was. It was calling to me, this thing within me that was so irritaed in his presence. It was me. A part calling to me. It was a part of myself Ibhad been living without. Pushing down. Pushing away. It was Unconditional Self Love. Somehow this person was helping me to love myself more. There wasn’t really anything he was doing. It was the way our energies interacted. He was reminding me that I had forgotten my beauty, what a gift I am, that living life without deep love for myself wasn’t living at all! We had a HUGE impact on each others lives and spiritual evolution. We were waking each other up to bigger parts of ourselves. Just being in his presence PUSHED me to love myself more and more because of how challenging it was. He helped me to believe in myself and to Love in times of discomfort. The energies we encountered were intense and overwhelming. Neither of us were prepared or informed on soul connections. At the end of the tumultuous relationship I asked my guides for insight into what in the world I had just experienced and they told me he was a Catalyst Twin Flame. What we did not have and what I know now as the hallmark of a true twin/divine counterpart was a bond that exceeds all concepts of what a bond between two souls can feel like, the magnetic pull, the deep deep love, the ability to bring each other to our knees with one touch. All of the things that I experience with my Divine Counterpart many years later. Because of all of the purging I did with my Catalyst Twin, I'm rarely triggered by my Divine Counterpart. Which is good because he is VERY triggered by me. I still experience fear, grief, lack of value and other things that I need to shift into love and truth. Twin Flame phenomena is mind blowing. It pushes against what you think is possible on all levels of your being. It is one of the hardest Ascension Paths you can choose. To evolve through the trials and tribulations of Love in my opinion is Soul shattering again and again. My Divine Feminine Teacher is Venus so I guess it makes since that I would walk this path with her by my side. And for that gift I am grateful.
SO what are the signs of a Catalyst Twin? What are the differences
in the connection?
A Catalyst Twin is just that. A soulmate that you have a spiritual connection with that propells you on a fast track of growth. This allows you to experience unconditional love for a time, that you will then discover within yourself. It triggers you to address old wounds, hurts, and insecurities. The end result is a new perspective, balance, and expansive love. It prepares you for the next step on your journey. In my case it helped me prepare for my Divine Counterpart connection. While it was intense it was missing some key components of a true Twin Flame connection.
The push and Pull of the Magnetic attraction
The Soul Merge that occurs with Twins
The Runner/Chaser dynamic
Twin Flame Separation
Twin Flame Obsession
Twin Flame Surrender
...and of Course the entire purpose Twin Flame Union and Mission
If you feel you need help with a Soul connection you are experiencing, you can book a Soul Connection Reading with me. I would love to hear your story and give you any insight and support you may need.
I love you dearly Genevieve. This journey that the soul chooses is not for the faint of heart. You experience the highest of highs, but you can fall to the lowest of lows. Acceptance of self is key. Showing love to yourself in every way. Looking inwards for the love that has always been there instead of looking external outside yourself to another. It feels like a cruel joke by the universe at times, but that is just the human ego mind talking. Sending you love, Stacey ♥️